According to the latest buzz on the social media, India’s right-arm fast bowler Jasprit Bumrah is getting ready to tie the knot with a sports presenter, Sanjana Ganesan who is a popular journalist and has been covering the IPL and the other events. However, South beauty Anupama Parameswaran‘s recent Instagram post about flying to Jasprit Bumrah’ hometown, Gujarat, has also sparked speculations of his marriage with the Premam actress.
Jasprit Bumrah is expected to get married in Goa. He, with his mother and sister, are due to travel to Mumbai first. The wedding will be attended by only few family members due to the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. The India team members will not attend the wedding due to the ongoing series as well as restrictions.
The affairs between the cricketers and actresses are no new and have hit the headlines a lot of time in the past. Now there is a strong buzz in the industry that South beauty Anupama Parameshwaran is going to get married to Cricketer Jasprit Bumrah.
Few are also saying that they will tie the knot in Gujarat since Anupama Parameshwaran recently shared a photograph as she checked in to a hotel there. Meanwhile, the Indian Cricketer Jasprit Bumrah has apparently taken leave from the BCCI in current test match for the preparations of his wedding.
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