Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi starrer recently released romantic drama, Love Story, is ruling the box-offices across the Telugu states and the US. Sekhar kammula’ magnum opus Love Story has minted over $1 million dollars at the US box office in just two days and is eyeing the $2 million milestone in the US. The movie is heading towards the blockbuster mark now. Coming to the topic, Sekhar Kammula, speaking at a promotional event confirmed that he will be working on another film with Akkineni Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi in the lead role.
The producers of the Love Story – Narayan Das Narang and Puskur Ram Mohan Rao also revealed that they would be taking a project that marks the second collaboration of Naga Chaitanya, Sai Pallavi, and Sekhar Kammula and the project will go on the floors in 2022.
This upcoming project might hit the floors after Sekhar Kammula is done with his pan-India project which has Tamil star Dhanush in the lead role.
Sekhar Kammula is all set to start the new project with Dhanush, which will go on the floor by the end of this year and the makers are in the plan to wrap it up by summer next year.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood