According to the latest buzz in the film industry, Chiranjeevi’s younger daughter Sreeja and Kalyaan Dhev have decided to get separate. Their divorce are on the card. Few days ago, Sreeja changed her name to ‘Sreeja Konidela.’ She has also unfollowed Kalyaan Dhev on Instagram. Though the reason behind the same is not known, she has unfollowed the actor days after changing her profile name to Sreeja Konidela from Sreeja Kalyaan. She is following every member of the Mega family including her father Chiranjeevi and brother mega power star Ram Charan.
Kalyaan Dhev, on the other hand, is still following Sreeja and everyone from the Mega family. On the otherside, Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan are in the silent mode. They are not responding on the issue of Sreeja- Kalyaan Dhev divorce.
It is known that this time mega family did not support Kalyaan Dhev’ movie Super Mahci which turned out a dud at the box office. The sources close to mega family revealed that Chiranjeevi has planned everything and he will speak on this issue on a right time.
Before Kalyaan Dhev, Sreeja had married Sirish Bharadwaj in 2007, which whom she has a daughter Nivrthi. They called it quits in 2011.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood