It is known news that Abhijeet Duddala was crowned as the winner of Bigg Boss 4 Telugu in the grand finale that was held on 20th December last year and Megastar Chiranjeevi graced the grand finale event as the chief guest. King Nagarjuna was the host of the shot. Now according to the latest report, Abhijeet Duddala has signed a three film deal with actor and producer Nagarjuna and the upcoming projects will be bankrolled by Annapurna Studios.
Other Bigg Boss contestants like Sohel and Mehboob have been appearing in the Television shows and social media whereas Abhijeet Duddala is busy in attending the interviews. The sources say that Bigg boss 4 Telugu winner Abhijeet Duddala signed an agreement with Annapurna Studios for a three film deal.
The upcoming untitled film of Abhijeet will be helmed by a debutant director. An official announcement regarding Abhijeet’ films is expected to be out soon. However, details about his two other films under Nagarjuna’s banner Annapurna Studios are kept under the wraps as the team are yet to lock the scripts.
Meanwhile Abhijeet Duddala is also in talks for a few web series that will be bankrolled by leading digital streaming giants. Currently Nagarjuna is waiting for the release of investigative thriller drama Wild Dog.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood