It is known that on 2nd October Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Naga Chaitanya announced their divorce and this year Dhanush and Aishwarya Rajinikanth also officially announced their separation. Now according to the latest report, director Bala and his wife Muthumalar (popularly known as Malar) got divorced on 5th March at a family court. They were separated for four years. The couple Bala and Malar filed for divorce by mutual consent. They have a baby girl named Prarthana. The news of their divorce came as a huge shock to everyone in the south Indian film industry.
Bala was married to Muthumalar on 5th July, 2004, in Madurai. After 17 years of togetherness, the couple decided to call it quits.
He has worked as an assistant director to Balu Mahindra. Later he made his directorial debut in the Tamil film Vikram Sethu with Sethu which was released in 199. He made his mark in the first film and went on to become a leading director by helming the movies with unique storylines such as I am God, Avan Ivan, Nanda, Pithamagan, and Paradesi. Bala is also directing a movie in which Suriya is playing the lead role.
Bala’s last project was the Dhruv Vikram starrer Varmaa.
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