Nandmauri Balakrishna made his debut as a host with the iconic talk show Unstoppable with NBK on Telugu OTT platform Aha. Balayya is making the talk show a fun-filled ride. Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja and Gopichand Malineni as the guests graced the show on 31st December. This special episode was well received by the viewers. In the episode, Ravi Teja opened up about the disputes between him and Balakrishna as he said that the
When Ravi Teja was asked about his remuneration, to which the actor replied, “ I will return the last part of payments if the movie gets flopped.” This video clip is going viral on the social media and the actor is being lauded by everyone.
Balakrishna was also very happy after hearing this line from Krack actor and said , “ Mass Maharaja is one of the actor who thinks about producers.”
On the work front, currently Ravi Teja has number of the projects in pipeline. His action drama Khiladi is on the verge of completion. It is being helmed by Ramesh Varma and also has Dimple Hayati in the female lead. He is also playing the lead role in Ramarao on Duty. Ravi Teja has also collaborated with Sudheer Varma for Ravanasura.
Also Read:
Ravi Teja to end this year with Atta Sudake
Ravi Teja and Gopichand Malineni – Guests of Balakrishna Unstoppable
Ravi Teja remuneration for Chiranjeevi Waltair Veerraju
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood