Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas forever New Year kiss: Our desi girl Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas rang in the new year with a kiss. Nick Jonas tookto his instagram to share a pic of his new year celebration where Priyanka Chopra is seen playing a kiss on Jonas’ cheek. Nick Jonas captioned it: My forever New Years kiss. The couple , who have been living the dream since they got married in December 2018 in Rajasthan. They tied the knot in a Christian and a Hindu ceremony in Jodhpur’s Umaid Bhawan Palace on 1st and 2nd December in 2018.
Coming on the pic, Priyanka is seen wearing a white dress and Nick Jonas is sporting a crisp white shirt. The couple had also shared a celebratory pic on Christmas, in which they were spotted kissing in front of a Christmas tree.
On the work front, Priyanka Chopra was recently seen in The Matrix Resurrections and the actress received a lot of applause for her performance. The husband Nick Jonas, who could not accompany his wife to the film’s US premiere in San Fransisco due to work commitments, watched the movie recently and congratulated the entire team for their hard work.
Priyanka Chopra’ mother Madhu Chopra also extended best wishes to the actress for the launch of Matrix and all her future endeavors.
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