Arjun Reddy and World famous lover fame actor Vijay Deverakonda recently interacted with the media and revealed about his relationship with a girl. Although he has been very secretive about his dating life and has mentioned that his private life is not an entertainment, he did spill some beans on what he is looking for in a relationship. Despite being linked to his Dear Comrade and Geetha Govindam co-star Rashmika Madanna, the duo has denied dating rumors on multiple occasions. Vijay Deverakonda revealed, “I had a relationship where the girl taught me the importance of gifting.”
Dear Comrade actor added as her suggestion, i liked the idea of gifting and has implemented it in his life, which he now religiously follows. According to him, he loves spending money to gift his family members, friends, family and relatives rather than buying something for himself.
Currently Vijay Deverakonda is busy in the promotional activities of his production venture Pushpaka Vimanam which has Anand Deverakonda in the lead and he is making his screen presence in the role of a math teacher.
On the work front, he is playing the lead role in Liger which has Ananya Panday as the leading lady. Recently Vijay also has signed a film with Sukumar.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood