Krishna Vamsi, who wrapped up shooting for his upcoming directorial venture ‘Rangamarthanda’ which has Ramya Krishnan and Prakash Raj. It is backed by Abhishek Jawkar and Madhu Kalipu whereas the music is scored by legendary music composer Ilayaraja. The upcoming Telugu film is an official remake of the acclaimed Marathi film, Natsamrat. Prakash Raj is essaying the role of Nana Patekar whereas Ramya Krishna is reprising the role of Medha Manjrekar from the original. We have already reported that Krishna Vamsi has roped in Megastar to lend his voice for upcoming magnum opus. Recently during an interview, Krishna Vamsi expressed his desire to direct a movie for megastar Chiranjeevi.
Rangamarthanda helmer Krishna Vamsi added, “I had approached Chiranjeevi garu 2, 3 times, but the projects never materialized. It’s my dream to direct him at least once.”
About his upcoming projects, Krishna Vamsi said that after wrapping up Rangamaarthaanda, he will direct a film Annam.
Earlier during an interview, Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy and Acharya fame actor had said about the director, “I have known Krishna Vamsi for a long time. He is a director who can make actors act realistically. He depicts human relations very well and this can be seen in every one of his movies.”
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood