This is the first time Sharwanand and Siddharth are working together for an action drama Maha Samudram, which is being directed by Ajay Bhupathi of RX 100 fame. We have already reported that actor Garuda Raam aka Ramachandra Raju, who played the villain in Yash and Srinidhi Shetty starrer KGF: Chapter 2, has been roped in to play the antagonist in director Ajay Bhupathi’s upcoming film, Maha Samudram. Ramachandra Raju is playing the role of Dhanunjay in the film. The intense love story has Bollywood actress Aditi Rao Hydari and Malayalam beauty Anu Emmanuel in the female lead roles. The remuneration of Sharwanand and Siddharth for Maha Samudram has become the hot topic of discussion in the film industry.
Apparently, Jaanu actor Sharwanand, who is said to have cut down his salary due to the Coronavirus pandemic, is receiving Rs 5 crore and Siddharth is being paid Rs 3 crore as remuneration for Ajay Bhupathi’ magnum opus Maha Samudram.
Chaitan Bharadwaj is rendering the tune, Raj Thota is handling the cinematography department whereas Praveen KL is the editor of Maha Samudram.
Ajay Bhupathi made his directorial debut with RX 100, which stars the young actor Kartikeya Gummakonda and bombshell Payal Rajput in lead roles.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood