Tamil filmmaker Shankar‘ daughter Aishwarya got married to cricketer Rohit Damodaren in Chennai. Their wedding took place yesterday at a resort in Mahabalipuram and the wedding function was attended by close family and friends only. Aishwarya Shankar got married to TNPL cricketer Rohit Damodaren in a private affair in Chennai.
Among select invitees who attended the wedding ceremony of Shankar’ daughter was the recently elected Tamil Nadu chief minister MK Stalin. The wedding event, due to Coronavirus pandemic related restrictions, was attended by family members and close friends.
Aishwarya Shankar is a doctor by profession and she is the eldest daughter of Shankar and his wife Easwari Shankar, whereas Rohit Damodaren is a cricketer and plays league level for Madurai Panthers in the Tamil Nadu Premiere League – TNPL. Rohit’s father Damodaren is a businessman.
The creative and talented film maker Shankar is best known for films like Enthiran and 2.0, both starring Kollywood superstar Rajinikanth. Currently he is working with Kamal Haasan for a vigilante action thriller Indian 2, which is a sequel to his 1996 film Indian. He has also teamed up with Mega Power Star Ram Charan for a pan Indian film and according to the latest buzz in the film industry, Kiara Advani will play the female lead in this film.
from NEWS – Tollywood https://ift.tt/3jlipHK