After failing to hit the bull’s eye with his debut film, the family drama ‘Vijetha’, Megastar Chiranjeevi’ son-in-law Kalyaan Dhev signed ‘Super Machi’ as his second project. Touted to be a wholesome entertainer, the movie was directed by Puli Vasu. Starring Kannada beauty Rachita Ram as the leading lady, ‘Super Machi’ has an ensemble star cast like Ajay, Rajendra Prasad, Naresh, Posani Krishna Murali and Pragathi in the crucial roles.
Kalyaan Dhev is also working for a film which is directed by Sreedhar Seepana. Writer Sreedhar Seepana is making his directorial debut with this upcoming drama, which is touted as an out-and-out entertainer, which is produced by People Media Factory and Abhishek Agarwal Arts whereas presented by GA2 Pictures. The film has Avika Gor in the female lead. The makers of Kalyaan Dhev starrer film have decided to launch the first glimpse of Avika Gor from the film which will be out on 30th June.
This is the first time Uyyala Jampala fame actress Avika Gor is working with Vijetha actor Kalyaan Dhev.
The sources say that Kalyaan Dhev will be seen sporting a leaner look for his part in this upcoming film which is apparently a commercial fare with a romantic angle.
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