Power Star Pawan Kalyan launched the trailer of Srinivas Naidu Nadikatla’s Sashi, in which Aadi Saikumar and Surabhi are playing the lead roles. The film Sashi is touted to be a love story. Raashi Singh also plays a key role in the film which has the music by Arun Chiluveru and the movie will hit the theaters on 19th March.
Sashi is all about the story of a youngster who loves a girl madly but soon his girlfriend starts avoiding him. Aadi looks good in the role of a lover who turns an aggressive person when his love leaves him.
Sashi is helmed by Srinivas Naidu Nadikatla and backed by Sri Hanuman Movie Makers.
The sources say that the makers of Sashi met with Pawan Kalyan on the sets of Ayyappanum Koshiyum remake and the latter formally launched the trailer. Gabbar Singh star Pawan kalyan is said to be impressed with the trailer and he appreciated the makers.
Sashi starring Aadi Saikumar and Surabhi has completed the censor formalities and received U/A certificate by the censor board. As Pawan Kalyan launched the trailer, the film Sashi is expected to attain more buzz.
On the work front, Pawan Kalyan is awaiting for the release of Vakeel Saab, the remake of Hindi movie Pink.
Witness the Soulful trailer of #Sashi launched by 𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 @PawanKalyan garu https://t.co/ydnwCV2Zj2#SashiTrailer #SashiOnMarch19th#AadiSaiKumar @Surbhiactress @rashis276 @Arunchiluveru @SNaiduNadikatla @SHMovieMakers @rpvarmadatla @adityamusic @WhackedOutMedia pic.twitter.com/Oxx84kYEAJ
— AadiSaikumar (@AadiSaikumar) March 10, 2021
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