Stylish Star Allu Arjun was the chief guest at Chaavu Kaburu Challaga pre-release event which took place yesterday. Allu Arjun, who watched the movie Chaavu Kaburu Challaga earlier yesterday, applauded the entire team for their hard work, particularly showering praise on the director Koushik, actor Karthikeya and Amani. When Allu Arjun took the mike to deliver his speech, the fans surround him and they fell on the actor’ feet. When the Security personnel tried to stop the fans, Allu Arjun stopped them. The security guards got in trouble to keep Allu Arjun safe from them.
Coming in the detail, a fan came on stage and started to talk Allu Arjun. As soon as the security guards were dragging him, Bunny stopped them by saying wait. The fan asked Allu Arjun for a selfie. Again another fan came on stage and fell on Allu Arjun’ legs. At that point Allu Arjun almost reached the point of falling. Another fan came from behind and grabbed Bunny. With this the security personnel worked very hard to keep them away.
About the film Chaavu Kaburu Challaga, Allu Arjun said, “Bothe the director and actor- Koushik and Karthikeya shown so much maturity in their work and prove how talented the younger generation is. Lavanya Tripathi remains a lucky mascot for our banner Geetha Arts after hit movies like Bhale Bhale Mogadivoy and Sreerastu Subhamastu.”
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood