The upcoming action thriller Krack marks the third time reunion of Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja and Gopichand Malineni after two movies- Don Seenu and Balupu. The upcoming film Krack also marks the second time collaboration of Mass Maharaja and Shruti Haasan after the movie Balupu. Apart from the lead pair, the film Krack also has Samuthirakani, Ali, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Devi Prasad, Chirag Jani, Mouryani, Sudhakar and Vamsi Chaganti in crucial roles, is being bankrolled by B Madhu under Saraswathi Films Division banner whereas it has the music by Thaman.
Ravi Teja is pinning high hopes on Krack which is on the verge of completion. The sources say that recently Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja watched the rushes of his movie Krack and he was not happy with a few portions of the film.
Ravi Teja is thinking that few scenes should be re-shot as they tamper the flow of the proceedings and he also asked the makers to plan a schedule to reshoot these portions of Krack. The sources say that the makers are now planning a schedule to reshoot certain portions of the film Krack.
Ravi Teja is playing the role of a powerful police officer whereas Shruti Haasan is essaying a doctor.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood