Rashmika Mandanna, who is one of the popular names of South Indian film industry, did not get more than a few lakhs for Kirik Party, which was produced by her ex-beau Rakshit Shetty. For her two Kannada movies like Anjaniputhra and Chamak, the actress was not paid a big amount. Rashmika Mandanna’ fortune changed once she entered Tollywood with romantic movie Chalo followed by a blockbuster hit film Geetha Govindam, starring the young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda. Following the twin success, she started charging Rs 50 lakh per film.
In a short span of time, Karanataka Crush Rashmika Mandanna earned popularity across South India and she was flooded with offers. While her popularity rose, she started becoming an unaffordable actress for many Kannada producers. Her sankranthi released movie Sarileru Neekevvaru with Mahesh Babu received positive reviews and her previous offering Bheeshma was a superhit movies and now according to the latest buzz, Rashmika Mandanna is now charging Rs 2 Cr per movie.
Geetha Govindam girl has joined the list of actresses who command a fat paycheck. Now Rashmika Mandanna is getting in the range of Rs 2 crore remuneration.
On the work front, Rashmika Mandanna will be seen playing the female lead in Allu Arjun’s ‘Pushpa’. She is also the part of Sharwanand’ ‘Aadalloo Meeku Joharlu’.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood https://ift.tt/2UhkK8U