Bollywood beauty Alia Bhatt was all set to shoot for SS Rajamouli‘ directorial venture, RRR, from the first week of November month but she got stuck in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Gangubai Kathiawadi. RRR- Roudram Ranam Rudhiram, featuring Young Tiger Jr NTR and mega Power Star Ram Charan in the lead roles, has been in the making for over a year now. RRR was supposed to hit the screens in summer 2020. However, the shoot got delayed due to coronavirus pandemic and the lockdown.
Now as the shoot of Gangubai Kathiawadi got delayed, Alia Bhatt now has to extend her dates to the Hindi movie and in this condition, she will only join the shoot of RRR two weeks later.
Alia Bhatt’ this fresh decision irked Rajamouli who is already upset over the delays for the film. The sources say that Rajamouli has planned to shoot the scenes on Alia Bhatt and Ram Charan first and later Charan and NTR.
It is known news that megastar Chiranjeevi was tested positive. So his son Ram Charan may also not be available to shoot for RRR for two weeks. Rajamouli is planning to wrap up the shoot of RRR as soon as possible. Razi actress Alia is playing the role of Sita.
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