During lock down, SS Rajamouli interacted with media and announced that he would be teaming up with Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu for a movie, after the release of ongoing project RRR. The fans of Mahesh Babu were very happy after hearing this news but till date there is no any official announcement regarding Mahesh Babu and Rajamouli’ project.
Mahesh Babu has already announced a project titled Sarkaru Vaari Paata on the occasion of his father and Superstar Krishna’ birthday, which is expected to go on the floor in the month of October. Now the reports are coming that Maharshi star has made a special plan now and wants to act in yet another film before he does the Rajamouli project which will be made on a big scale.
As Rajamouli’ films take a long time to complete, Mahesh decides to not wait for the director and he wants to do as much work as possible so that his fans will be happy.
As SS Rajamouli’ magnum opus RRR starring Young Tiger Jr NTR and Ram Charan, has been postponed and will be completed only in the mid of next year, Mahesh does not want to wait and has planned to do another film after Sarkaru Vaari Paata.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood https://ift.tt/3amHT10