Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu is also well known face for the Telugu people as she made her debut in Telugu Film Industry with the movie Takkari Donga. Now according to the latest update, Bipasha Basu, will star opposite husband Karan Singh Grover in Dangerous. As a part of promotional activities, she participated in an interview and said that one of the benefits of working with your spouse is that shooting intimate scenes is easier.
Alone fame Bipasha Basu said that she used to be very intimidated of such scenes, and would have a ‘cardiac arrest’ before shooting them. Raaz actress Bipasha added, “When a couple is on the set as an actor – they are firstly actors and then a couple. I am a mess just before an h*t and intimate scene. It’s my face and personality which adds s*x appeal to those intimate scenes. I don’t think anything happening there is actually doing the work or creating any magic.”
According to Bipasha Basu, her foray into digital entertainment happened by chance. According to her, Dangerous is all about love, passion, deception, and rivalry.
Bipasha Basu’ romance with Karan Singh Grover had blossomed on the set of Alone in 2015. Later they tied the knot and five years of togetherness later, the two have reunited professionally.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood