Kirik Party, released in 2016, was one of the biggest hits in the Kannada film industry that year. Ever since its hit status, there were speculations about a sequel of Kirik Party being made. After four years, it has now finally been announced that Kirik Party sequel is on cards. Rishab Shetty and Rakshith Shetty had announced that they had registered the title Kirik Party 2 in the year 2018. It is known news that Rashmika Mandanna shared the screen space with Rakshit Shetty in this film. Rashmika was also engaged to him. But later she called off the engagement and till date they did not work together for any movie.
The makers of Kirik Party 2 have brought a fresh and creative team and are planning to start the shoot. The reports are coming that the makers have finalized the female lead but few are saying that once again Rashmika Mandanna is on the board to romance with Rakshit Shetty in Kirik Party 2. However Rakshit Shetty said Rashmika was not the part of the sequel. There would be a new girl as the heroine.
Now we have to wait and see whether Geetha Govindam girl will share the screen space with Rakshit Shetty or not.
from NEWS – Tollywood