The trial shoot of SS Rajamouli’ upcoming much hyped multistarrer has been cancelled due to a sudden spurt in the coronavirus cases in Hyderabad. The team of RRR had planned a two-day trial shoot with dupes to ensure that the new guidelines set up by Telangana Government are followed. However, the shoot has been put on halt due to the sudden increase in coronavirus cases in the state. Now according to the latest update, Rajamouli has applied for the police permission to conduct the test shoot with the cast. But the police officials are in a dilemma over granting permission for the shoot amidst the rapid increase in the Coronavirus cases in the state. Now, SS Rajamouli is waiting for the police permission for the trial shoot for upcoming directorial venture RRR.
As soon as Rajamouli gets the permission, he will start the shoot. Reportedly, only 25 percent of RRR’ shoot is pending. The remaining portion will be shot on a set in Hyderabad.
RRR starring Mega Power Star Ram Charan and Young Tiger Jr NTR who play Komaram Bheem and Alluri Sitarama Raju in this period drama. RRR is a fictional story set in the 1920s and it also has Ajay Devgn, Alia Bhatt, Shriya Saran, Olivia Morris and Samuthirakani in key roles.
from NEWS – Tollywood