Aishwarya Rajesh started her career as compere in a comedy show Asathapovadhu Yaru. After winning the reality show Maanada Mayilada, Aishwarya Rajesh made her debut in Neethana Avan, which was released in 2010 and the actress came into prominence after starring in Attakathi. She is also a popular name for the Telugu movies lovers and she has been the part of Mani Ratnam’ directorial venture Nawaab. Recently Aishwarya Rajesh was seen sharing the screen space with the young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda starrer romantic drama World famous Lover, which was helmed by Kranthi Madhav. Unfortunately the movie World Famous Lover was ended up commercially flop at the box office. Aishwarya Rajesh has taken an unexpected decision. She has decided to not act in mother roles in future.
Recently during the media interaction, Aishwarya Rajesh said, “I had played mother roles in a few movies in the past and as a result, several young heroes are refusing to act with me , as they are apprehensive that I may look old beside them.”
Aishwarya Rajesh added that her fans are also finding it hard to see her in such heavy characters.
On the work front, Aishwarya Rajesh will be seen in upcoming Telugu film Tuck Jagadish which has Natural Star Nani in the lead role.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood