It is known news that Mega hero Sai Dharam Tej has teamed up with Deva Katha for an upcoming film. The upcoming untitled film has been launched recently with formal pooja ceremony in the presence of Power Star Pawan Kalyan. From March 2020, Sai Dharam Tej will start shooting for Deva Katta’ film. Nivetha Pethuraj is already on the board to play the female lead in Deva Katha’ directorial venture. Now According to the latest update, the-yet-untitled film of Sai Dharam Tej also has room for another actress and that the makers have zeroed in on popular actress Raashi Khanna for the part. Very soon the official announcement will be made regarding the inclusion of Raashi Khanna in this film.
In the past, Sai Dharam Tej and Raashi Khanna have worked together in two super hit films, Supreme and Prati Roju Pandaage. The upcoming film of Deva Katha will mark their hat-trick collaboration, if the latest buzz turns out to be true.
The director Deva Katta is popular for making ‘Prasthanam’. The reports are coming that he readied an intense subject for Sai Dharam Tej and the movie will be produced by Bhagavan and Pulla Rao.
On the otherside, Sai Dharam Tej is busy in his upcoming family drama ‘Solo Brathuke So Better’.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood