Manchu Manoj, the son of veteran Telugu star Mohan Babu, has launched his production house MM Arts recently on the occasion of Diwali. Announcing his new venture Manchu Manoj has said, “New Journey has started, My Own Production House MM Arts is born and my upcoming movies work has begun with Full Force under MM Arts.” Now according to the latest update, Nabha Natesh who is basking in the glory of her movie iSmart Shankar, has been roped in Manchu Manoj’s production venture.
Manoj said that the pre-production work for his debut film as a producer, which will be bankrolled under the banner of MM arts, was going on in full swing. Now Nabha Natesh will be seen playing the female lead in Manchu Manoj’s maiden production venture. Very soon the official announcement regarding the inclusion of Nabha Natesh in Manchu Manoj’s project will be made and the movie will be launched in a few days.
Earlier this year, Manchu Manoj, decided to stay out of the film circuit and made the announcement that he would serve the people. But later he officially announced the news of his production house MM Arts.
Manchu Manoj was last seen in Okkadu Migaludu, which was released in 2017, the film was directed by Ajay Andrews and Ajay Nuthakki, where the actor played the role of Velupillai Prabhakaran- Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam chief. The film was also dubbed in Tamil and the dubbed version was titled as Naan Thirumba Varuven, but it was ended up commercially flop at the box office. It was produced by S N Reddy and H Laxmikanth Reddy.
Nabha Natesh made her Telugu film debut opposite Sudheer Babu in Nannu Dochukunduvate in 2018. Later she was roped in Puri Jagannadh’s directorial venture iSmart Shankar, in which she shared the screen space with Ram Pothineni and now Nabha Natesh will be seen in Manchu Manoj’ film.
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