Samantha Akkineni, the talented actress, has two movies in her kitty. Currently she is romancing with her hubby Akkineni Naga Chaitanya in Shiva Nirvana’s directorial venture, where both real life couple will be seen playing the role of married couple. The movie is tentatively titled as Majili. Apart from Majili, Samantha Akkineni will also be seen in Telugu remake of Korean film Miss Granny. According to the latest update, Samantha will be seen playing dual role. The actress will make her screen presence as grandmother and granddaughter. This time Nagarjuna’s daughter-in-law is going to face dual role challenge in her upcoming movie.
Nandini Reddy, who is known for directing the film Jabardasth, which released in 2013, is going to helm this remake for Samantha Akkineni. The actress is impressed with the way the story unfolded. She has reportedly given her nod to the director.
Miss Granny is the story of an elderly woman( Na Moon Hee) who regains her youthful appearance after visiting a mysterious photo studio. Apart from changing her name, she sets on a quest for happiness. An industry source claims that Samantha Akkineni was bowled over by the idea of an old lady finding herself in the body of a 20-year-old an exciting and path-breaking plot.
After the marriage, Samantha Akkineni is picking challenging roles. She was last seen in women centric and murder mystery thriller drama U Turn, which was just average at the box office. This year, Samantha Akkineni has delivered three hit movies- Mahanati, Ranagasthalam and Abhimanyudu. Currently She is waiting for the release of Super Deluxe, which is directed by Thiagarajan Kumararaja of Aaranya Kaandam fame, and produced by Tyler Durden And Kino Fist, in association with East West Dream Works Entertainment & Alchemy Vision Workz. Vijay Sethupathi is playing the lead role.
As Samantha Akkineni is going to play dual role, audiences are expecting her to do something really interesting and exciting.
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