Bollywood Megastar Amitabh Bachchan’ twitter account has been hacked. According to the latets update, his account was hacked late on Monday night allegedly by ‘pro-Pakistan’ Turkish hacker group, Ayyildiz Tim Turkish Cyber Army.
The hackers praised his friendly relations with Pakistan and slammed India for alleged attacks on Muslims during the holy month of Ramzan. The hackers tweeted, “This is an important call to the whole world! We do condemn the irrespective behaviors of Iceland republic towards Turkish footballers. We speak softly but carry a big stick and inform you about the big Cyber attack here. As Ayyildiz Tim Turkish Cyber Armny +++” The hackers also changed Big B’s Twitter bio saying, “Actor … well at least some are STILL saying so !! Love Pakistan.”
The hackers also changed the display picture of Amitabh Bachchan to Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan.
Not only this he/she also posted a pic of the Pakistan and Turkish flags with a tweet saying, “The Indian State, who mercilessly attacks the Muslims fasting in the month of Ramadan, is attacking the Ummah Muhammad in this age! Indian Muslims are entrusted to us by Abdulhamid.”
The Mumbai police said that they has informed their cyber unit and Maharashtra Cyber about the hacked Twitter account of Amitabh Bachchan.
The same group had previously hacked Twitter accounts of Kabir Singh star Shahid Kapoor and Anupam Kher among others.
Bollywood Megastar Amitabh Bachchan is playing important role in Tollywood Megastar Chiranjeevi starrer Syer Raa Naarsimha Reddy.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood