Bollywood bombshell Vaani Kapoor is chilling in Goa with her girl gang. As one of her friend is going to tie the knot, she decided to spent some time in Goa. Now the pics of Vaani Kapoor with her girl gang in swimming pool are going viral on the social media. In one of the pic, Vaani Kapoor is seen wearing a blue coloured bikini. She looks very hot in wet look. In one picture, the hottie is seen flaunting her toned body by lying across the pool. Vaani, along with her three close friends flew to Goa on 7th June to enjoy holidays.
If it were a crime to look freaking hawt, Vaani Kapoor would be behind bars. Shuddh Desi Romance fame actress shed her inhibitions as she sizzled in bikini. She looks sexy in this bikini.
She started her acting career with Shuddh Desi Romance in which she shared the screen space with Sushant Singh Rajput. She was the leading lady in Aditya Chopra’s comeback directorial venture Befikre , which was released in 2016. In which Ranveer Singh played the lead role but unfortunitly the movie was bombed at the Box Office.
On the work side, Vaani Kapoor is waiting for the release of her upcoming movie Fighter, which is in post production stage. She is also the part of upcoming movie Shamshera, which will hit the theaters next year.
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