118 Collections: The investigative thriller drama 118 starring Nandamuri Kalyanram, Nivetha Thomas and Shalini Pandey has completed its run at the box office and turned out an above average grosser. According to the traders report, 118 has collected Rs 10.74 Cr shares at the Worldwide box office .
The area-wise break up of 118 box office are as follows:
Nizam : Rs 3.95 Cr
Ceded : Rs 1.28 Cr
UA: Rs 1.24 Cr
Guntur : Rs 0.73 Cr
East : Rs 0.63 Cr
West : Rs 0.50 Cr
Krishna : Rs 0.84 Cr
Nellore : Rs 0.27 Cr
Total 118 AP/TS box Office Collections (shares): Rs 9.44 Cr
Karnataka +ROI : Rs 0.85 Cr
Overseas : Rs 0.45 Cr
Total 118 Worldwide box Office Collections (shares): Rs 10.74 Cr
118 is all about the story of Gowtham, an investigative journalist, gets a dream when he stays in room no 118 in a resort. In his dream, he sees a lady getting beaten and a car being thrown into lake. Later he starts investigating the case to find out who the girl is.
118 was released on 1st March worldwide and received positive response by the movie lovers and critics from everywhere. The movie is directed by Cinematographer turned director KV Guhan in which Kalyan Ram is playing investigative journalist, is bankrolled by Mahesh Koneru under the banner of East Coast productions.
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