Kalyanram is playing the role of his father Nandamuri Harikrishna in upcoming NTR biopic, which is being helmed by Krish. It is known news that recently Harikrishna passed away in a road accident. Yesterday Kalyanram shared his pic with Nandamuri Balakrishna on his Twitter and captioned it, “About 30 years ago, I shared screen space with my uncle in Balagopaludu. Now, just like uncle playing his father, I will be playing my father in the film.”
Balakrishna is essaying the role of his father later Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao in NTR biopic. Harikrishna played very important role in Politics. When Sr NTR began his innings in politics, Harikrishna became the charioteer.
When his father N.T. Rama Rao (NTR) started his political innings, Nandamuri Harikrishna took charge of the wheel. He became the ‘charioteer’ of NTR’s Chaitanya Ratham to raise awareness about Telugu pride. For the 8 months during which Sr NTR was on the road before 1983 elections, the vehicle reportedly logged 75,000 km. It was either Harikrishna or Krishna Prasad Reddy who drove the vehicle.
Harikrishna steered the vehicle for Chandrababu Naidu between Tirupati and Srikalahasti. When he joined the ministry of Chandrababu Naidu in 1996, after winning Hindupur Assembly seat, he took the charge of Transport Ministry.
Now the pic of Nandamuri Balakrishna as Sr NTR and Nandamuri Kalyanram as Harikrishna is grabbing the attention of many.
Recently on the occasion of Rakul Preet Singh’s birthday, the makers of NTR biopic released the first look poster of the actress as Sridevi, which received decent response. It is heard that she is getting Rs 1 Cr as remuneration and will make her screen presence only for 20 minutes. She may appear in part two of the biopic. Rana Daggubati is playing Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu in this biopic.
Kalyanram was last seen in Naa… Nuvve, directed by Jayendra Panchapakesan and produced by Kiran Muppavarapu and Vijay Kumar Vattikuti under Cool Breeze Cinemas banner, in which Tamannah Bhatia played the female lead.
30 ఏళ్ల క్రితం మా బాబాయ్ తో ‘బాలగోపాలుడు’ సినిమాలో బాలుడిలా నటించాను.
మళ్లీ ఇప్పుడు ..
బాబాయ్, వాళ్ల నాన్న గారిలా…
నేను, మా నాన్నగారిలా.#NTRBiopic @DirKrish pic.twitter.com/RCc90TlVVd— Kalyanram Nandamuri (@NANDAMURIKALYAN) October 11, 2018
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