Aravinda Sametha Veera Raghava starring Young Tiger Jr Ntr, Pooja Hegde, Naga Babu and Jagapathi Babu has hit the theaters today on 11th October. According to the latest update, the fans of Jr NTR (belong to the Nandamuri Cultural Youth Association and Balakrishna Fans association groups ) from the rival groups of the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) and the YSRCP party had a scuffle over tickets. Few Jr NTR fans headed by Viswanathula Sreenu who belonged to the YSRCP went to SaiMahal theatre at Payakaraopet Payakaraopeta in Visakhapatnam district , to buy tickets for the first show of Aravinda Sametha Veera Raghava along with a group of fans who belonged to the TDP party headed by Chinthakayala Rambabu. But YSRCP members were denied tickets by theatre manager Seetharam.
Later Nandamuri fans staged a protest in front of Sai Mahal theatre. They alleged that Payakaraopeta TDP MLA Anitha has instructed the theatre managers not to give tickets for Nandamuri fans to watch the movie Aravinda Sametha Veera Raghava. It is heard that TDP MLA Anita has told the theatre managers that as they are followers of the YSRCP, so don’t give them ticket.
The sources say that Jr NTR Fans tore the flexes and banners of Aravinda Sametha Veera Raghava at the theatre. Later the cops intervened to take the situation under the control.
YSRCP members said, “Certain things shouldn’t be politicized. Denying them movie tickets was something disgraceful and when a lady is behaving in this manner, it is really shameful.”
On the other-side, when the police asked about ticket sale to the theatre manager Seetharam , he said that he did not use the name of MLA Anitha and also added that TDP Mandal president Pedireddy Chittbabu ordered him not to give tickets to Balakrishna fans members as they are the supporters of YSRCP.
from topstories – Tollywood