The young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda is currently working for his upcoming romantic drama Kushi which has Samantha Ruth Prabhu as the leading lady. It is being helmed by Siva Nirvana who is best known for helming superhit movie Majili. few months ago, there was a strong buzz in the film industry that Gautham Tinnanuri was going to work with none other than mega power Star Ram Charan for a film but the things did not materlaize. Now the reports are doing rounds that Gautham Tinnanuri narrated the same (Ram Charan’ project) romantic comedy to Vijay Devarakonda and he gave his nod in a single sitting.
According to the grapevine, after the box office failure of Liger, Vijay Deverakonda has decided to act in romantic and love stories. It is known that his romantic movies like Pelli Choopulu, Arjun Reddy and Geetha Govindam worked for him, he is pinning lot of hopes on Siva Nirvana’s Kushi now. The sources say that after wrapping up the shoot of Kushi, VD will join the sets of Gautham Tinnanuri’ film. Few in the film industry are saying that the love story rejected by Ram Charan is now accepted by Vijay Devarakonda.
On the otherside, currently Ram Charan is in Japan as the part of promotional activities of RRR.
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