According to latest reports, Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha has been told to appear in Uttar Pradesh’s Moradabad court next month in the 2019 fraud case. She was accused of cheating, criminal conspiracy and breach of trust by an event organiser named Pramod Sharma.
The actress was asked to come to Moradabad to give her statement in this legal matter. However, the court has now issued a Non-Bailable warrant against Sonakshi Sinha due to her continued absence.
An event organizer named Pramod Sharma, a resident of the Moradabad’s Katghar police station area, had arranged an event to which Sonakshi Sinha had been invited as the chief guest but she did not attend the event and when the organizer requested her for the refund. The actress’ manager refused to pay the event organizer money. A fraud case was filed when the victim did not get the money despite calling the star daughter and actress Sonakshi Sinha multiple times.
She made her debut in Bollywood as Rajjo Pandey in the action-drama film Dabangg in which she shared the screens pace with Salman Khan and the movie was released in 2010. The actress even won the Filmfare Award for Best Female Debut for the film. Since then she has appeared in several commercial movies.
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