It is known that number of celebrities from the film industry have already met with AP Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy regarding the ticket price issue. Now finally Andhra Pradesh government has responded positively the cinema ticket rates in the state. The whole industry was looking forward to the new Government Order on movie ticket prices, and now the long-awaited issue about the ticket prices in Andhra Pradesh is resolved.
Earlier this month, celebrities like megastar Chiranjeevi, Superstar Mahesh Babu, Prabhas and SS Rajamouli met the Jagan Mohan Reddy and discussed the issue. CM Jagan has responded positively to the requests of the Telugu film industry and today he has signed the file to increase the movie ticket prices.
The new GO will provide the much-needed relief to the producers, exhibitors and distributors. it is expected that the new Government order (GO) will be released sometime today or tomorrow.
On the otherside, today Andhra Pradesh Governor Biswabhushan Harichandan said the government was working to reach out to the people with several welfare schemes. He said that the govt is going to implement various welfare schemes to support all sections of the people. Governor added that better development has been achieved in the fields of medicine and education.
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