Sree Leela, a Telugu-Kannada actress, who recently starred in the ‘PellisandaD‘ movie opposite Roshan Meka, has signed two movies. The young diva made a striking debut with Pelli SandaD which registered a good revenues at the box office. Now, according to the latest report, Sree Leela has apparently signed few Telugu projects. Currently she is doing a film with Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja and she is apparently quoting the remuneration between Rs 75 lakh to Rs 1 Cr. She got two offers at a time freshly. Sree Leela was almost finalized for two films beside the young mega hero Vaisshnav Tej and Naveen Polishetty. The sources say that Sithara Entertainments have signed Sree Leela for two of their upcoming projects.
Sithara Entertainments is now trying to rope Sree Leela in their upcoming production ventures. Both the movie will be helmed by new directors. Soon the official announcement regarding her projects will be made.
Last year in the month of October, Sree Leela was in the news headlines when Surapaneni Subhakara Rao, an Industrialist, held a press meet to clarify that the actress is not his daughter.
The Telugu businessman who runs various businesses based in Bangalore has stated that Sree Leela is a daughter of his ex-wife, who gave birth to the actress post the separation, therefore she isn’t his daughter. The businessman clarified that he had already lost a lot during their separation twently years back and no one should take benefits of his name now.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood