Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu is currently working with Keerthy Suresh in an upcoming action drama Sarkaru Vaari Paata, which is helmed by Parasuram of Geetha Govindam fame. The Film critic, Umair Sandhu, who is also one of the members of the Overseas Censor Board took to his Twitter handle to reveal the numeration of Mahesh Babu for Sarkaru Vaari Paata.
According to Umair Sandhu, Mahesh Babu charged Rs 70 Cr for playing the lead role in Sarkaru Vaari Paata.
In the first week of January, Mahesh Babu tested +ive for the novel coronavirus. He was advised to be in isolation at his home in Hyderabad. According to the latest reports, he has now recovered from Covid-19 and is now dealing with a personal loss as his elder brother Ramesh Babu passed away recently.
While Mahesh Babu and the music composer Thaman have recovered, National award winning actress Keerthy Suresh is still in isolation. Sarkaru Vaari Paata is all set to hit the theatres on 1st April. But, the latest reports suggest that the film’s release could be postponed.
After the release of big budget film Sarkaru Vaari Paata, Mahesh Babu will collaborate with Trivikram Srinivas and SS Rajamouli for the upcoming projects.
BREAKING NEWS : #MaheshBabu charged whopping ” 70 cr ” for #SarkaruVaariPataa ! He is Back with Bang
— Umair Sandhu (@UmairSandu) January 15, 2022
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood