Kajal Aggarwal and Gautam Kitchlu are all set to welcome their first child. Yesterday on the occasion of new year, Gautam Kitchlu posted a glowing photograph of Kajal Aggarwal and described why he is looking forward to 2022. Gautam wrote on the wall of his Instagram, “Here’s looking at you 2022” and signed off with a pregnant woman emoticon. Finally Gauatm confirmed indirectly that Kajal Aggarwal is pregnant.
Though he has not made the news official on her social media handles. But his New Year post did leave Kajal’ fans speculating that she is pregnant. Kajal Aggarwal also dropped a post on New Year’s eve to wish her fans.
Earlier during an interview, Kajal Aggarwal talked about how she fell in love with Gautam, the actress said, “We were used to meeting all the time. Whether it was a social party or an important professional Endeavour, the other one would always show up. So, amidst the lockdown and pandemic, when we did not see each other for a few weeks, at best, we would catch a glimpse behind a mask at a grocery store, we realized that we wanted to be together.”
On the work front, Kajal Aggarwal will be seen playing the female lead in Chiranjeevi starrer Acharya.
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