On the occasion of new year, Deepthi Sunaina officially announced her breakup with lover and youtuber Shanmukh Jashwanth by sharing an emotional post on Instagram. All is not well between the couple for a while now. The actress has now expressed her views with her admirers online once again. The ex-bigg boss contestant Deepthi Sunaina stated that she does not wish to hibernate. She added, ‘I want to move on with my life and focus on my work.”
Deepthi Sunaina added, “I never focused on myself and stressed that from now on. Now I have decided to focus on my career. I am going to think about my career right now.
Deepthi was also asked the reason behind the break up, she tried to deviate the topic by introducing her new pet dog to the fans, however, it didn’t work out. Later the fans noticed the way her eyes started to wet and tears almost started to flow.
As she was not able to control her tears, she ended the live session. Deepthi Sunaina also responded to other fans’ inquiries and thanked them for their compliments on her successful projects.
It is known that Deepthi, upon her entry in the weekend episode of Bigg Boss 5 Telugu, expressed her disappointment over Shanmukh‘ performance and behavior in the house.
Also Read:
Official: Deepthi Sunaina, Shanmukh Breakup
Shanmukh and Deepthi Sunaina marriage but condition apply
Official: Deepthi Sunaina loves Shanmukh Jaswanth
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood https://ift.tt/346gS2M