It is known that Samantha Ruth Prabhu starrer Tamil-Telugu bilingual Yashoda has wrapped up the film’s first schedule. Directed by Hari and Harish, the upcoming women centric film also features actors Varalaxmi Sarathkumar and Unni Mukundan in the crucial roles. According to the latest buzz in the film industry, Samantha Ruth Prabhu will essay the role of a nurse in Yashoda.
The narrative will be based on the nurse character played by Samantha. The sources say that the Jaanu actress is very much excited about the same. The actress wishes to explore a new avenue with this film as she had never played a nurse before in her career. Majili girl will be seen in an author-backed role that challenges her as an actor. It seems that Yashoda is set in a hospital backdrop. It is being helmed by Hari and Harish and it is produced by Sivalenka Krishna Prasad under Sridevi Movies banner.
According to the makers of Yashoda, the second schedule will commence from 3rd January and go on till 12th January. And the final schedule will be from 20th January to 31st March.
The producers are saying that they have not compromised on the budget to ensure that the film has technical and visual grandeur.
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from GOSSIPS – Tollywood