Samantha Ruth Prabhu who recently announced separation from actor Naga Chaitanya after almost four years of marriage, is currently busy with multiple projects including ‘Shaakuntalam’ and others. She had announced her split from her husband, actor Naga Chaitanya, on social media on 2nd October and gave a huge shock to everyone. Recently during the media interaction, Samantha Ruth Prabhu revealed whether she is all set to feature in Bollywood movies.
When she was asked about her Bollywood debut, to which Samantha said, “I had never thought I would do the web series, but that changed with RJ and DK’ show. The appreciation I received from my fans and others was more than what I had expected. I feel I have the confidence to accept newer challenges now.
When the Rangasthalam actress was asked why she decided to keep a distance from Bollywood, she said “I was finding my footing in the South Indian film Industry and gained confidence in my work only in the last 2 years. I was still making bad choices and not doing the kind of work that satisfied me. Things changed a great deal in the last two years, and now, I am confident about accepting the challenging roles.
Soon Samantha will be seen playing the role of a bis8xual woman in International project Arrangements of Love.
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from GOSSIPS – Tollywood