Yesterday evening the much-awaited trailer of Radha Krishna Kumar‘ directorial venture Radhe Shyam arrived. It seems the makers are leaving no stone unturned to make the film on an international level. The trailer looks massive, colorful, and big-scale. The cinematographer presents the landscapes and exotic international locations besides Prabhas and Pooja Hegde‘s beautiful chemistry, in a grand manner.
The trailer has everything. There is action, there is emotion, there is romance, there is tragedy, there is good music. After watching the trailer of Radhe Shyam, one of the netizens said: Trailer looks refreshing conceptual epic love story with loads of emotions, soulful BGM, Beautiful pair with superb performance & screen presence by prabhas sir.
Another netizen said: A different trailer, and complete contrast to his earlier roles….love this trailer, have high hopes. Another netizen named Lokesh wrote: This One Looks Like Best Love and Sci-fi and Fantasy Stories Ever, Even That Last 50 Sec Are Next Level Intensified And DAMN! The movie lovers wants to know about the story of Radhe Shyam and the character of Prabhas in this film.
Radhe Shyam is set in the Europe in the late 1970s where Prabhas is seen as a future teller. The music is composed by Justin Prabhakaran while its cinematography is taken care of by Manoj Paramahamsa and edited by Kotagiri Venkateswara Rao.
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