According to the latest report, Jayaram who was in Hyderabad, celebrated Christmas with none other than Young Rebel star Prabhas. He was in Hyd, for the pre-release event of upcoming Pan India film Radhe Shyam. It is known that the movie was shot simultaneously in Telugu and Hindi languages. Prabhas has already confirmed that the film will be a love story with many twists and turns. Jayaram is playing an important role in the movie.
Yesterday Jayaram took to his Instagram handle to share a picture with Prabhas, which is going viral on the social media. The actor captioned it: Celebrating this Christmas with team ‘Radhe Shyam’ and my dear brother Prabhas.
In Radhe Shyam, which is being helmed by Radha Krishna Kumar of Jil fame, Prabhas is playing Vikramaditya, and sharing the screen space with Pooja Hegde. The movie also has Bhagyashree, Sasha Chettri, Riddhi Kumar, Jagapathi Babu, Jayaram in the crucial roles.
Radha Krishna Kumar says the visual storytelling of the movie Radhe Shyam will stand as the main highlight of the film. It is a romantic love drama produced by UV Creations.
On the otherside, Jayaram will also be seen in a big budget project with Shankar which is tentatively titled as ‘RC15’ starring Ram Charan and Kiara Advani.
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