83 is a sport based movie starring Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, has hit the theaters today on Friday. The movie is helmed by Kabir Singh, and it also has Pankaj Tripathi, Tahir Raj Bhasin, Nishant Dahiya, Hardy Sandhu, Sahil Khattar, Jeeva, Saqib Saleem, Jatin Sarna, Chirag Patil, Dinkar Sharma, Ammy Virk, Adinath Kothare, Dhairya Karva and R Badri in the important roles. The hashtag ‘Boycott 83’ has been trending on Twitter by Sushanth Singh Rajput fans, they are complaining that on several occasions Ranveer Singh mocked last Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Few comments by the netizens are as follows:
Moon: Depressika and Drugbir are bhand anti nationalists. These druggies & ISI agent lovers don’t deserve any freakin sympathy as no worst morals & only f!lth has been instilled in them. #Boycott83 Y SSR Murder Is Still Mystery
Kizie: BIG !! Legendary film critic Dr. KRK has predicted that Ranveer Singh’s 83 movie is going to be a DISASTER like Salman Khan’s Tubelight. Expedite Justice For Sushant #Boycott83 This Ranveer Singh thinks that he can beat our Sushant Singh Rajput’s MS Dhoni film. Expedite Justice For Sushant #Boycott83
Angry bot: #RanveerSingh Partys with ISI agents Tony Ashai & Aneel Musarat #DeepikaPadukone took 5Cr to visit JNU during protest & Also Sold Depression Theory During #SushantSinghRajput Murder #BoycottBollywood #Boycott83 CBI Silence 4 SSR Questionable
Nikita Singh: #RanveerSingh & #DeepikaPadukone partied with PAKISTANI agents entire life and now begging views in DUBAI before release of #83Movie Boycott such ANTI NATIONALs #Boycott83 #BoycottBollywood
Sayam: Not just this movie, we need to boycott every one of them in order to elevate our society from their filth of body objectification, fake feminism & hinduphobia. They’re a bunch of spoiled brats. #Boycott83
Halla Bol: Ranveer Singh has mocked Sushant multiple times. Please show our unity and make his film super duper flop. #Boycott83 #BoycottBollywood.
Also Read:
Sumanth is the voice of Ranveer Singh 83
83 teaser review: A historic catch by Ranveer Singh as Kapil Dev
Pooja Hegde comments on Shirtless Ranveer Singh towel, it’s falling
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