The actress and ‘Kaanta Laga’ fame girl Shefali Jariwala and her husband Parag Tyagi were spotted at the Mumbai airport yesterday. But what grabbed at the attention of many, it was Parag Tyagi and Shefali’ lip lock. The couple looked absolutely in love! Shefali Jariwala was spotted in a velvet blue jacket and sweatpants set, whereas her husband was in a hoodie and trackpants.
The couple shared a sweet goodbye kiss as Shefali Jariwala flew off to New York to celebrate New Years. Shefali is a popular name in the entertainment industry. She rose to fame with her music video Kaanta Laga that was released in 2002.
Two years ago, Shefali Jariwala was seen in the controversial reality show ‘Bigg Boss 13’ . Recently during the media interaction, the actress said, ‘After I did Kaanta Laga, the people asked me why I didn’t do more work.
I can now say that it was because of the epilepsy seizures that I could not take up much work. I did not know when I would get my next seizure. Today, I am 9 years seizure free. I am proud of myself because I managed my depression naturally and with the help of the strong support system.’
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