It is known that Nandamuri Balakrishna has teamed up with director Gopichand Malineni for his 107th film. Gopichand Malineni delivered a massive blockbuster with his last movie Krack in which Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja and Shruti Haasan played the lead roles. Now, he has penned a powerful script for Balakrishna for his next and it is based on true incidents. Shruti Haasan is on the board to play the female lead in this action drama. If ongoing buzz in the media and the film industry are to be believed, Gopichand Malineni is planning to bring action king Arjun Sarja to play the role of villain in Gopichand and Shruti Haasan starrer.
Arjun Sraja has already played the role of antagonist in Nithiin starrer Lie but it was a dud at the box office. He essayed the role of Allu Arjun’s father in ‘Naa Peru Surya’ which was a failure. Let’s wait for the official announcement regarding the inclusion of Arjun Sarja in Balakrishna starrer.
Balayya Babu is said to be seen in a never-seen-before avatar and his look is said to be the highlight of the film.
Balakrishna was last seen playing the lead role in Boyapati Srinu’ magnum opus Akhanda.
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from GOSSIPS – Tollywood