Few days ago, the Music label Saregama said that the company will change the name and lyrics of the song “madhuban mein Radhika naache” after Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra alleged the music video, which features Sunny Leone, had hurt Hindus’ religious sentiments. The minister Narottam Mishra had given Sunny Leone three days to take down the obscene music video. Now the netizens are trending arrest Sunny Leone on Twitter. One of the netizen said: Some people continuously hurt Hindu sentiments, there are temples for Radha,we pray to her
Ajaybhulam: Will they dare to abuse or insult abrahamic faiths, will they dare to make any filthy statements in them Then why doing again n again with Hindus. Filthy item song must be banned and removed from all platforms. – Arrest Sunny Leone & the entire team behind the song
Vashudev: I request to every Hindu say with me arrest sunny leone.
Kizie: I demand the arrest of Sunny Leone and strict punishment for Selmon for inviting her to promote this song in Bigg Boss. Arrest Sunny Leone #BoycottBollywood
Parashram: Change the songs written by Jihadi writers and stop playing with Hindu sentiments Arrest Sunny Leone
Right wing: P*rn Actress Sunny Leone insulted Hinduism badly in the name of songs! Madhuban me nache Radha? Every time they target hindu religion And our gods! That’s why now action needed and need to made permanent rule for this!! Arrest Sunny Leone
Viral Patel: P*rnstar Sunny Leone is supplying filthy messages to our society. Her arrest is mandatory. Arrest Sunny Leone #BoycottBollywood.
Also Read:
Sunny Leone flaunts her shapely body in bikini
Sunny Leone First look from Shero
Sunny Leone quotes Rs 50 Lakh remuneration for Pushpa special song
Pornstar Sunny Leone is supplying filthy messages to our society. Her arrest is mandatory.
Arrest Sunny Leone#BoycottBollywood
— Viral Patel (@BjymViral) December 27, 2021
Porn Actress Sunny Leone insulted Hinduism badly in the name of songs!
Madhuban me nache Radha?
Every time they target hindu relegion
And our gods! That’s why now action needed and need to made permanent rule for this!!
“Arrest Sunny Leone” pic.twitter.com/Hi7B5jVGiQ— RIGHT WING (@RIGHTWlNG) December 27, 2021
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