It is known that Bollywood Badshah Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan was arrested by NCB in a drug bust case, which has become the h*t topic of discussion in the film industry. Chunky Panday’ daughter Ananya Panday is also being investigated by NCB after they found alleged WhatsApp chats between them. Now the WhatsApp chats have been leaked. One chat that is said to be between Aryan Khan and Liger lady Ananya Panday is going viral on the social media. The chat shows that they are talking about weed, which is a kind of drug.
Aryan Khan in the chat told Ananya Panday that he will take the drugs in secret.
Aryan Khan: Weed
Ananya: it’s in Demand
Aryan Khan: I will take it from you in secret
Ananya: fine, this is the chat between the duo reportedly.
“Ananya: now that I am in the business
Aryan Khan: you brought the weed?
Aryan Khan : Ananya
Ananya Khan : I am getting it
The WhatsApp chats also reveal Aryan’s discussion with other three star kids about drugs. Using these chats as a base NCB is questioning Ananya Panday.
On the work front, Ananya Panday is sharing the screen space with Vijay Deverakonda in Liger.
from NEWS – Tollywood