Naga Shaurya was last seen playing the lead role in Aswathama under the direction of Ramana Teja which turned out to be a flop. In this action and thriller drama he sported a ripped body. And last year, he left his fans surprised with his bulked up 8-pack abs for his upcoming sports based drama, Lakshya. Currently he is busy in the promotional activities of upcoming movie Varudu Kavalenu which has Ritu Varma in the female lead role. In this romantic and family drama, he will sport a lean and fit physique.
Recently during the media interaction, as a part of the promotional activities of Varudu Kavalenu, Naga Shaurya spoke about his body transformation.
Aswathama shared the review of the second half of Varudu Kavalenu and said, “Though in this Telugu film, I will be seen in a lean and fit avatar but for the 15 minutes sequence, I had to gain weight. After watching the movie Varudu Kavalenu on the big screen, the movie lovers will be surprised to see that sequence which will come in the second half.”
Varudu Kavalenu starring Naga Shaurya and Ritu Varma is helmed by debutant Lakshmi Sowjanya and bankrolled by Naga Vamsi under the banner of Sithara Entertainments.
The movie Varudu Kavalenu is slated to hit the theaters on 29th October.
from NEWS – Tollywood