The show Unstoppable with NBK, which will mark Lion and Simha fame Nandamuri Balakrishna’s debut as a host in the digital space, and it will premiere on 4th November on the occasion of Diwali. The inaugural episode of ‘Unstoppable’ will feature Tollywood actor Manchu Mohan Babu and his children Manchu Vishnu, who is also MAA president, and Manchu Lakshmi.
Manchu family is having huge following on social media. Today Aha released the Unstoppable with NBK Episode 1 Promo that grabbed several eyeballs. Now according to the latest report, Unstoppable with NBK Episode 1 Promo garnered a over a million real time views within two hours.
Prashanth Varma, a young director, helmed ‘Unstoppable with NBK.’ Balakrishna and Mohan Babu are seen discussing various topics in the first episode promo. Lakshmi Manchu and Vishnu Manchu will appear in cameo roles. Balayya Babu and Mohan Babu are shown discussing their films, current politics, and other celebrities of their generation in the promo.
Balakrishna questions Mohan Babu about his struggling phase as an actor, to which he resplied, “I will cry if I recall.” And added that he felt like he was keeping his family in dark, “I sold my property. No one helped me.”
There is no stopping 🔥
Over a MILLION Real time views within two hours for #UnstoppableWithNBK Episode 1 Promo 💥
▶️ @themohanbabu @iVishnuManchu @LakshmiManchu
— Vamsi Kaka (@vamsikaka) October 31, 2021
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