Natural star Nani who was last seen playing the lead role in family drama Tuck Jagadish, is now coming up with Shyam Singah Roy, to entertain his fans. The movie will open in theatres on December 24 in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam. Now the makers are going to release the first lyrical video of Rise of Shyam from Nani starrer Shyam Singha Roy on 6th November. Nani himself confirmed the same by sharing a new poster on Twitter handle.
Sharing a new poster of Shyam Singha Roy, Nani wrote on Twitter: SHYAM will RISE :) We are all set A @MickeyJMeyer Musical #RiseOfShyam on November 6th. #ShyamSinghaRoy.
Helmed by Rahul Sankrityan of Taxiwala fame, and is bankrolled by Venkat S Boyanapalli under the Niharika Entertainment banner. Shyam Singha Roy is set in Kolkata and in this film Nani will be seen playing the dual role. The big budget entertainer also stars Krithi Shetty, Madonna Sebastian, Rahul Ravindran, Murali Sharma and Abhinav Gomatam. Fidaa fame Sai Pallavi is playing the main female lead and upcoming film marks her second collaboration with Nani after MCA: Middle Class Abbayi.
On the work front, Nani will also be seen playing the lead role in Ante Sundaraniki and Dasara.
SHYAM will RISE :)
We are all set 🔥
A @MickeyJMeyer Musical#RiseOfShyam on November 6th.#ShyamSinghaRoy
— Nani (@NameisNani) October 30, 2021
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