Sabyasachi Mukherjee launched a series of Royal Bengal mangalsutra recently. However, the way the collection was displayed irked some netizens and few of them thought that the poster was for an intimate wear. The caption is, “A Royal Bengal Mangalsutra 1.2 and ‘the Bengal Tiger Icon collection of necklaces, earrings, and signet rings in 18k gold with VVS diamonds, black onyx and black enamel.’ Coming on the poster, a plus-size model is seen wearing a black bra, a bindi, and wearing two mangalsutras and hugging a shirtless man. As soon as the photograph was shared, Sabyasachi Mukherjee was trolled massively on social media, not for the collection but for the way it was showcased. Few comments by the netizens are as follows:
tvisharoar: I thought sabyasachi started selling garments
dimples_pd: No Kamasutra without mangalsutra.
mahi9187: Lol I thought this was intimate wear and then I read your description intimate fine JEWELRY
haimanti.sengupta: Does showing so much skin justify ‘Intimate jewellery’ ?
praneeth_naran: My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
redlion2556: Boycott karo isko, ye aab p*rn jewellery ka hub ban gya h
mehta.dhruti.94: there is no other way to show jwellery really shameful for him never ever buy.
tj_theshysneaker: Lol without caption it’ll look like some B grade movie ka poster
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